One Wood Badge candidate's opinions on what equipment to take camping (or not)


The goal of Ticket 2 is teach two camping basics courses for Scout parents, especially for those new to Scouting, and to give a similar presentation at a Roundtable program.

Camping Tutorials

Camping Gear Tutorial   These tutorials are intended to explain the character-building benefits of camping, and provide some basic information about what kinds of equipment are appropriate for Cub Scouts, older boys, and adults. The first of these tutorials occurred at a Fall Pack meeting—the first Pack meeting for many new Cub Scouts and their parents. While the boys were out participating in some other activities, the parents remained behind for a discussion about tents, back packs, sleeping bags, hiking boots, and a variety of other camping gear items.

The second tutorial occurred at our Pack's annual Spring Campout. This tutorial was done in conjunction with another Scout leader who was also working on a similar Wood Badge Ticket. His talk covered tailgate camping, while my talk was focused more on high-adventure backpacking and light-weight gear.

My final tutorial occurred at a Thunderbird District Round Table that counted camping as one of many topics covered that night (see advertisement below). Participants were divided into four groups, each of which received about a 20 minute discussion by me about all manner of camping gear.

Camping Gear Tutorial